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Carlos Tê launches new book at Livraria Lello

On March 14th, at 9pm, Carlos Tê, one of the most important Portuguese lyricists, will present his new book of poetry A Invenção do Canto e Outro Versos, published by Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, at Livraria Lello, in Porto .

In the month in which Poetry Day is celebrated, Livraria Lello welcomes Carlos Tê, one of the most important song writers in the country, who has just released a new book. The presentation, moderated by journalist João Gobern, will take place on March 14th, Thursday, at 9pm.

The Invention of Song and Other Verses is part of the Letra Poema series, from the Plural collection, published by Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda. In this series of books dedicated to song writers, the emphasis is on the word and who writes it, rather than who sings the song, reviving the question: are song lyrics poems?
Carlos Tê's book brings together practically all the lyrics for songs he wrote, between 1980 and 2022, for artists and bands such as Rui Veloso, Clã, Cabeças no Ar, Jorge Palma, Ana Moura and Desconectados. At the end of each lyric, it is possible to discover who transformed it into a song and in what context.

Carlos Tê is the author of several song lyrics inscribed in the memory of many Portuguese people, such as “Chico Fininho”, “Máquina zero”, “Porto Covo”, “O promised édue”, “There are no stars in the sky”, “Lado Lunar ”, “Expression Problem”, “Swear”, “Tightrope”, “First kiss”, “Competence to love” or “The sect has a radar”.

“It is a huge honor to have Carlos Tê at Livraria Lello and to be able to recognize the man responsible for writing extraordinary songs that marked Portuguese culture”, says Aurora Pedro Pinto, Administrator of Livraria Lello. “His lyrics were and are part of our lives, of all of our memories”, she adds.

A Invenção do Canto e Outro Versos is the second publication in the Letra Poema series, following the book Razão de Ser e Outra Letras, by João Monge.

The event is free and requires registration via the form.